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Give Aussies with disability a fair go at employment.

No more barriers for Aussies living with disability

Misconceptions about what people with disability can or can’t do are harmful and untrue.

Outdated social attitudes are preventing people like Scott from gaining employment.

Lack of knowledge on practical ways to create an inclusive workplace is holding employers back.

How you can help people like Scott

When you sign the petition, you are saying YES to helping people like Scott get a fair go at finding work. This groundswell of support will help fund programs that educate employers to create inclusive workplaces and new employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

The real way your support helps

The more people sign the petition, the more support there is for Disability Awareness Training for employers.

This program provides organisations with the practical tools and knowledge to support more people with disability in the workplace.
The program will:

  • Address misconceptions and stigmas surrounding disability
  • Introduce Social Inclusion principles
  • Identify Communication and Digital Inclusion actions
  • Provide employers with information and support on how to: Attract, recruit, retain and provide career progression opportunities for people with disability
  • A Physical Access assessments and modifications report
  • Specific training requirements such as mental health and sign language requirements

With your support, together we will remove the barriers to employing people living with disabilities.

Scott’s stunning success

I get to help other people out and meet new people. I love their smiles after seeing the work I have done in their garden. I’ve been able to move out of my parents’ house and am even saving to go on my dream holiday. But the thing I love the most about work is the friends I’ve made.

Scott got a job, and an even brighter future

Scott found a job with an employer who took time to understand his disability. They worked with his strengths and passions to find a role that set him up for success.

But a new job and income wasn’t the only thing Scott gained. He found his place in the world, and with it, pride and fulfilment.

Yes, I will help create more jobs for people with disabilities

Please sign the petition so more people like Scott can have the fair go at employment they deserve.

Sign the petition today

Yes, I will help create more jobs for people with disabilities

Please sign the petition so more people like Scott can have the fair go at employment they deserve.

Sign the petition today